Invisalign treatment is the ideal teeth straightening solution for adults who are unhappy with their smile due to misaligned, squint teeth.
Everyone wants a perfect smile, but most adults are unwilling to commit to wearing traditional metal braces due to their inconvenience and unsightly nature. As parents and professionals with work, family and social responsibilities, traditional braces are far too obtrusive and would be likely to cause feelings of self-consciousness and anxiety.
So, the question remains; how can adults achieve perfectly straight smiles without committing to long-term, metal train-track braces?
Cue Invisalign: The invisible, discreet tooth straightening solution that is made for adults.
Invisalign treatment is straightforward, fast, and doesn't involve any intrusive surgeries or in-depth dental procedures.
At Turriff Dental Care in Aberdeenshire, we break our Invisalign process down into 5 simple steps:
The first step in achieving a perfect new smile is to come along to our modern practice in Aberdeenshire for an Invisalign consultation with our resident orthodontist and Invisalign specialist, Dr. Nedahl Swessi.
In this informal and friendly chat, patients will have all their questions answered and learn more about Invisalign treatment. Dr. Nedahl will help you decide upon the best Invisalign treatment option for your mouth and circumstance and break down the whole Invisalign process in simple, easy-to-understand terms.
The next step involves a series of scans, x-rays and clinical photographs so that our specialist Invisalign team can show you a clear and accurate representation of how your smile will look after your Invisalign treatment is complete.
We use Clincheck software to create a 3D video of your mouth, which allows patients to watch their whole treatment plan play out before it even starts! This digital scan will also be used to construct your set of custom-made Invisalign clear aligners in our staate-of-the-art dental lab.
Once the clear aligners have been constructed you'll be asked to come back into the practice to have your first set of aligners fitted. Your dentist will make sure they fit accurately and feel comfortable in the mouth before giving you detailed instructions on how and when to wear them.
The number of Invisalign aligners you receive will depend on the plan you have chosen, however, most patients will receive between 4-8 clear aligners to progress through before returning to the dentist after 1-2 months of treatment.
You will be asked to wear your Invisalign aligners for around 22 hours per day, only removing them to eat, brush, floss and for any important meetings or presentations.
Your Invisalign dentist will set up regular appointments every 6 weeks to check on your progress and to hand over the next set of clear aligners. Patients can expect this pattern to continue until they have completed all stages of their Invisalign treatment and are left with perfectly straight teeth and a brand new smile.
Treatment times will vary depending on individual Invisalign treatment plans, but in general, you can expect treatment to take anywhere from 6 months to two years.
An important step of Invisalign treatment is the aftercare process. To ensure teeth do not revert in position, patients will be given a custom-made Invisalign retainer to wear at night.
This is given out after the patient has progressed through all the clear aligners and is an essential step in keeping your new smile intact and perfectly straight for many years to come.
As mentioned, one of the most important yet overlooked steps of the Invisalign process is aftercare.
Aftercare involves patients wearing a specially made retainer that will be fitted and constructed after your Invisalign treatment plan comes to an end. Invisalign partners with Vivera Retainers to offer high-quality retainers that are to be worn at night and possibly one or two days through the week, depending on your Invisalign dentist's recommendations.
Vivera Retainers will provide you with a set of 4 upper and 4 lower retainers, meaning you can conveniently keep a set for traveling, at your partner's house or simply as backup if you lose or break your current retainer.
The purpose of Vivera Retainers are to prevent teeth from moving back into their previous position. This can easily happen and may have been something you've already experienced as a teen going through orthodontic treatment.
This extra precaution will ensure the time, effort, and money spent on Invisalign treatment was not wasted. Invisalign is a start-to-finish teeth straightening solution and thus, have put in place the proper procedures to ensure your teeth are not only straightened but stay straight for a lifetime.
To find out more about the Vivera Retainer or the aftercare procedure involved with Invisalign, feel free to give our practice a call on 01888 562440.
If you would like to straighten your smile and increase your confidence, Invisalign's teeth straightening solution might be the perfect fit for you.
No need to worry about intrusive metal wires or unsightly braces, with Invisalign's clear aligners you'll be able to straighten your teen discreetly, comfortably and conveniently.
With a highly experienced Invisalign dentist and a modern, welcoming dental practice, Turriff Dental Care is the best place in Aberdeenshire for effective, reliable Invisalign treatment.
Contact us today to enquire further about Invisalign treatment in Aberdeen.